Selected for the Girona Architecture Awards 2024

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
02/05/2024 Discover

The jury of the Girona Architecture Awards 2024 has selected a total of 24 projects out of the 80 that were submitted to the 26th edition of the awards organized by the Girona Branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) since 1997.

Of the 24 selected works, 12 belong to the Architecture category (new construction, renovations, and rehabilitations), five correspond to Interiors (projects focusing on interior space treatment), two are in the Landscapes category (urban spaces such as streets, squares… and natural spaces, parks, gardens…), and the remaining five are in the Ephemeral category (limited duration projects such as exhibitions, installations, scenographies). In this edition, the jury was composed of Izaskun Chinchilla as president, and Anna Noguera and Silvia Blanco as members; all of them internationally recognized architects linked to the practice of the profession and teaching.

The jury’s awarded works, as well as the People’s Choice Award voted by the public through the portal, will be announced on Friday, June 7, during an event held at the Rafael Masó hall of the COAC Girona Branch headquarters (Plaza de la Catedral, 8).


The Pia Almoina exhibition hall of the COAC Girona Branch hosts until May 5th the exhibition of the 80 presented and selected works of the current edition of the Girona Counties Architecture Awards.

The exhibition represents an excellent opportunity to get to know closely the projects carried out in the Girona counties between January 1st and December 31st, 2023, by professionals in the field of architecture.


Below are listed by category the 24 projects that have passed the selection phase.


Mas Auleda, in Anglès
Contorns | Ariadna Serrano and Maria Bosch, architects

Casa Indiana. 4-star Hotel, in Blanes
Anna Sabrià, architect

El palau, la casa, el jardí, in Corçà
andrea+joan architects | Andrea Capilla Mónaco and Joan Martí Elias, architects

Una nave en La Moixina (Olot)
Arnau estudio de arquitectura | Arnau Vergés y Tejero, dr. Arquitecto

Intervención en la Torre de las Horas de Cervià de Ter
Fortià Arquitectes | Josep Maria Fortià, architect

Casas 1922, in Rupià
NordEst Arquitectura | Jordi Riembau and Miquel Rusca, architects

Casa al Pradet, in Vilamacolum
Clara Crous Arquitectura | Clara Crous Fort, architect / Carles Torracabota Bosch, mechanical engineer

Círculo Calongí, in Calonge Sant Antoni
Roger Panadès, Anna Prats and Joan Valls, architects

Reconstruir Can Lluci, in Maià de Montcal
Celobert cooperativa y Marcel Prats Gómez | Paula Martí Comas and Jordi Carbó Boix, architects (Celobert) / Marcel Prats Gómez, architect

Las oscuras, in Celrà
Ricard Turon Arquitectura | Ricard Turon Vich, architect

Casa 1627, in Pals
Harquitectes | David Lorente Ibáñez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó, Roger Tudó Galí, architects

Ca la Carolina, in Rabós d’Empordà
Lacol y Altura Arquitectes | Cristina Gamboa, architect (Lacol) / Lluís Ginjaume (Altura), architect



La Blava Va, in Palafrugell
Anna Sabrià, architect

Restaurante Villa Mas, in Sant Feliu de Guíxols
Anna Sabrià, architect

Equilibrio restaurante, in Olot
Bayona Studio | Xevi Bayona Camó and Cristina Montero Baleri, architects

Rehabilitación y diseño de local en Sant Feliu de Guíxols

Casa-Estudio Arquitectura | Urko Zapirain Sarasola, architect

Centro de servicios para la tercera edad, in Maçanet de la Selva
Anna Prats Joan Valls arquitectes | Anna Prats and Joan Valls, architects



7 de Silencio, in Sant Joan de les Abadesses
PAAS.puigcorbé arquitectes associats | Joan Puigcorbé, architect

Ritual, in Olot
NUA arquitectures | Ferran Tiñena Guiamet, Arnau Tiñena Ramos and Maria Rius Ruiz, architects



Baldac, in Olot
Students of the Ephemeral Mounts Design elective of the Higher Artistic Studies Degree in Graphic and Interior Design of the ESDAPC: Rocio Bueno, Maria Boatella, Eva Galera, Aina Ferran, Oriol Fuster, Joel López, Xevi Machado, Laia Monells, Martina Ribas, Mar Torrijos, Martí Turón and Laura Román. Tutors: Xavier Moliner and Manel Quintana.

10 años haciendo farolillos, in Girona
Laia Escribà Nadal and Anna López Alabert, architects

Arco Luminoso, in Olot
PMFL Arquitectura Arià Pla i Coll, Joan Salavedra Rovira and Eudald Bosch Carreiras, Master’s students in Architecture

Joan Llor y el Hospicio, in Olot
Un Parell d’Arquitectes + Clàudia Calvet | Eduard Callís and Guillem Moliner, architects (Un Par de Arquitectos) / Clàudia Calvet, architect

Rayos de luz, in Olot
Francisco Spratley Studio | Francisco Spratley, architect


The Girona Architecture Awards are made possible thanks to the companies and institutions that support them, such as the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Cataluña and the Diputación de Girona; Brecor, Jung, iGuzzini and Kave Home, as main sponsors; Asemas, Arquia Banca, Itisa and Technal, as sponsors, and Arcadi Pla SA, Ascensores Serra, Grup Curanta, HNA – Germandat Nacional d’Arquitectes, Hotel Ciutat de Girona, Hyundai – Fornells Motor, IRSAP, Palahí, Plantalech, Porcelanosa, Rehau, Terreal y Vidresif, as collaborators. In this edition, the official products are the Restaurant Mimolet and Cavas Llopart, while Bonart, La Com

arca de Olot, el Diari de Girona, el Empordà, l’Hora Nova, Ràdio Girona FM, el Punt Avui and Televisió de Girona are the official media.


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