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700 years of La Seu of Manresa: From Berenguer de Montagut to Gaudí
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Centre Obert d’Arquitectura
Espai Oliba de la Basílica de La Seu de Manresa
Baixada de la Seu, 1
De dilluns a divendres de 10.30h a 13.30h i de 16.00h a 19.00h
Dissabtes de 10.30h a 14.00h i de 16.00h a 19.00h
Diumenges de juliol i d’agost de 12.00h a 14.00h
dimarts 24 de gener, a les 18.30 h
Amb el suport de

The exhibition comes from the 3D modeling of the construction evolution that Fermí Bataller created for the documentary ‘La Seu de Manresa, seven centuries of life’, which can also be seen in the same room. Using 3D printing technology, models have been made of Manresa’s cathedral different construction periods, from the 12 th century Romanesque church to the current basilica.
This work, which also wants to be a small tribute to the master builder Berenguer de Montagut, about whom we know so little but who seven centuries ago conceived this temple and put all his knowledge at the service of the city that trusted him, is complemented by a book-catalog that can be purchased at the Manresa and Vic headquarters of the Architects’ Association of Catalunya (price: 10€).
This exhibition, curated by Fermí Bataller and Francesc Rafat, and organised by the COAC’s Central Regions Office, after traveling through several locations, is permanently moved to the Collegiate Basilica of Santa Maria de Manresa’s Espai Oliba. The Architects’ Association Catalonia and the authors have agreed to move the exhibition to the city of Manresa to contribute to the dissemination of its architectural and historical heritage. From now on, visitors of La Seu will be able to discover the history of the temple through a video and 3D printed models that review the different construction stages of the basilica.
Interventions by: Mr. Guim Costa, dean of the Architects’ Association; Mrs. Claudina Relat, president of the Architects’ Association’s Central Regions Office; Illustrious Mr. Marc Aloy; mayor of Manresa; His Excellency Monsignor Romà Casanova, bishop of Vic; Illustrious Mr. Joan Hakolimana, dean of the La Seu Basilica.